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About the Farm

Nestled in the rugged foothills of Morgan Hill California, Alma Bonita Animal Rescue (ABAR) was founded out of love and respect for animals who have been put in neglected and vulnerable situations.

Alma Bonita Animal Rescue

Sheila Murphy spent her adult life daydreaming about owning property and having lots of animals to fill the land.  In 2017 after visiting a 40-acre site in Morgan Hill, Sheila and her husband Michael knew this was the place they had been searching for. Next came the animals. First, it was four slaughter-bound goats. And then came a few discarded alpacas, a couple of full-sized donkeys, a goat from the shelter.


Two years later, Sheila and a volunteer went to pick up two unwanted goats. When they got to the property they saw that all the animals were living in filth and neglect so they brought them all home and Alma Bonita Animal Rescue was born.


Today there are 80+ animals living at Alma Bonita Animal Rescue in Morgan Hill.  Volunteers help with the tasks of building shelters as new animals arrive and other support tasks like running the website, keeping up on social media, and keeping track of the finances.

Our Sanctuary


Sheila Murphy

With a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership a Master’s Degree in Education, a Master’s Degree in Supervision and Administration and as a Certified Life Coach, Sheila has always focused her life’s work on giving to those who are most vulnerable in this world. Animals and children have been her passion for as long as she can remember.


Through her background in education and leadership, Alma Bonita Animal Rescue provides programs that support teaching and learning about animal ownership, responsibility and compassion, as well as supporting the next generation of leaders.

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